My Experience with Agni Therapy: A Place to Sha...
Once again I found myself at a place of precariousness. At the edge of magic unfolding, yet still grasping on to the cliff.
My Experience with Agni Therapy: A Place to Sha...
Once again I found myself at a place of precariousness. At the edge of magic unfolding, yet still grasping on to the cliff. Read More
What is Agni?
Agni is the key to health. Learn the signs of weak agni, how it functions, and how to take care of it so that you can feel well and thrive.
What is Agni?
Agni is the key to health. Learn the signs of weak agni, how it functions, and how to take care of it so that you can feel well and thrive. Read More
My Maybe Menopause
The period app on my phone says “39 days late”.
My Maybe Menopause
The period app on my phone says “39 days late”. Read More
Nature nurtures
Tips for growing green things, growing your Ayurvedic lifestyle, and not growing old.
Nature nurtures
Tips for growing green things, growing your Ayurvedic lifestyle, and not growing old. Read More
Lessons from the dirt
How farming brought the principles of Ayurveda to life and helped me heal my digestion.
Lessons from the dirt
How farming brought the principles of Ayurveda to life and helped me heal my digestion. Read More
Diet Guidelines for Calming Vata Dosha
If you want to experience lifelong health, make vata dosha your friend. Here are 6 ways to calm vata dosha through your diet.
Diet Guidelines for Calming Vata Dosha
If you want to experience lifelong health, make vata dosha your friend. Here are 6 ways to calm vata dosha through your diet. Read More