
A holistic approach to mental health care

A holistic approach to mental health care

Why understanding the mahagunas empowers me to care for my own mental health.

A holistic approach to mental health care

Why understanding the mahagunas empowers me to care for my own mental health. Read More

5 Ways to Balance Kapha Dosha this Kapha Season

5 Ways to Balance Kapha Dosha this Kapha Season

Lighten up and balance kapha dosha in the springtime with these simple tips.

5 Ways to Balance Kapha Dosha this Kapha Season

Lighten up and balance kapha dosha in the springtime with these simple tips. Read More

Food, faith, and freedom: a journey through disordered eating

Food, faith, and freedom: a journey through dis...

How Ericka healed from Crohn’s disease and redefined her relationship with food through Ayurveda.

Food, faith, and freedom: a journey through dis...

How Ericka healed from Crohn’s disease and redefined her relationship with food through Ayurveda. Read More

I am nature

I am nature

How the connection with nature leads to a path of healing and renewal.

I am nature

How the connection with nature leads to a path of healing and renewal. Read More

Ayurvedic Calming Cookies Hale Pule

Simple Ayurvedic Recipe: Calming Cookies

If you find you are feeling scattered or more anxious during this vata season, it’s time to use some food as medicine to calm and ground. What’s a better way...

Simple Ayurvedic Recipe: Calming Cookies

If you find you are feeling scattered or more anxious during this vata season, it’s time to use some food as medicine to calm and ground. What’s a better way... Read More

On Shraddha - Living Your Truth

On Shraddha - Living Your Truth

Shraddha is the expression of how we life our life, the purpose expressed from the deepest part of ourselves. Here’s how shraddha has guided me through a challenging year, along...

On Shraddha - Living Your Truth

Shraddha is the expression of how we life our life, the purpose expressed from the deepest part of ourselves. Here’s how shraddha has guided me through a challenging year, along... Read More