
Avoid chasing happiness with the practice of sa...
The universe never stops providing what you need to grow as a human being, spirit in a body. You are enough. Let go of the striving for what you think...
Avoid chasing happiness with the practice of sa...
The universe never stops providing what you need to grow as a human being, spirit in a body. You are enough. Let go of the striving for what you think... Read More

Sleep Deeply | Empty your mind before bed with ...
Restful restorative sleep is not only about calming down the body, but also the mind. Our mind frequently takes us on detours that we don’t need to go on. Rather...
Sleep Deeply | Empty your mind before bed with ...
Restful restorative sleep is not only about calming down the body, but also the mind. Our mind frequently takes us on detours that we don’t need to go on. Rather... Read More

Ayurvedic foot care: 4 ways to nourish your feet
Give your feet love and attention with Ayurvedic herbal footbath recipes.
Ayurvedic foot care: 4 ways to nourish your feet
Give your feet love and attention with Ayurvedic herbal footbath recipes. Read More

Vata season: Seven tips to soothe and balance
Vata balance is one of the best things you can do to support health in your body and mind, even if vata is not your primary dosha. Vata is responsible for...
Vata season: Seven tips to soothe and balance
Vata balance is one of the best things you can do to support health in your body and mind, even if vata is not your primary dosha. Vata is responsible for... Read More

Rest assured: Five Ayurvedic tips for a good ni...
If you have difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, here are some Ayurvedic tips that can help you get the shut-eye you need to stay vibrant and healthy.
Rest assured: Five Ayurvedic tips for a good ni...
If you have difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep, here are some Ayurvedic tips that can help you get the shut-eye you need to stay vibrant and healthy. Read More