
5 Ways to Balance Kapha Dosha this Kapha Season
Lighten up and balance kapha dosha in the springtime with these simple tips.
5 Ways to Balance Kapha Dosha this Kapha Season
Lighten up and balance kapha dosha in the springtime with these simple tips. Read More

Balance kapha dosha with these Yoga asana seque...
2 yoga practices for keeping kapha healthy.
Balance kapha dosha with these Yoga asana seque...
2 yoga practices for keeping kapha healthy. Read More

A kapha-balancing lifestyle
Tips for keeping kapha dosha (earth and water) balanced.
A kapha-balancing lifestyle
Tips for keeping kapha dosha (earth and water) balanced. Read More

A diet to balance kapha dosha
Making friends with kapha dosha is about embracing stability, compassion and even-mindedness. Cultivate balance in kapha and you experience the sweeter side of life.
A diet to balance kapha dosha
Making friends with kapha dosha is about embracing stability, compassion and even-mindedness. Cultivate balance in kapha and you experience the sweeter side of life. Read More

Sattvic cooking for all doshas
When people come to Hale Pule Ayurveda and Yoga trainings, they often ask how we can make our food so delicious when it is prepared so simply. We say that...
Sattvic cooking for all doshas
When people come to Hale Pule Ayurveda and Yoga trainings, they often ask how we can make our food so delicious when it is prepared so simply. We say that... Read More

What your skin is trying to tell you: An Ayurve...
Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and what happens on the outside reflects what is happening on the inside.
What your skin is trying to tell you: An Ayurve...
Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and what happens on the outside reflects what is happening on the inside. Read More