
What happens when pitta dosha is balanced?
With balanced pitta dosha you can easily discern what is in your best interest and what is not.
What happens when pitta dosha is balanced?
With balanced pitta dosha you can easily discern what is in your best interest and what is not. Read More

Yoga asana to balance pitta dosha
Pitta likes challenge, but when it is out of balance, this zest for life can turn to competition and pushing oneself beyond capable limits. Daily asana practice, a wonderful companion...
Yoga asana to balance pitta dosha
Pitta likes challenge, but when it is out of balance, this zest for life can turn to competition and pushing oneself beyond capable limits. Daily asana practice, a wonderful companion... Read More

Digesting life: Pitta-balancing lifestyle tips
What does it mean to digest? It’s easy to define this concept as simply the process of turning the food you eat into nutrients. But we are holistic beings, so...
Digesting life: Pitta-balancing lifestyle tips
What does it mean to digest? It’s easy to define this concept as simply the process of turning the food you eat into nutrients. But we are holistic beings, so... Read More

A diet to balance pitta dosha
Balance pitta dosha with cooling foods and drinks, hibiscus rose mint tea.
A diet to balance pitta dosha
Balance pitta dosha with cooling foods and drinks, hibiscus rose mint tea. Read More

Sattvic cooking for all doshas
When people come to Hale Pule Ayurveda and Yoga trainings, they often ask how we can make our food so delicious when it is prepared so simply. We say that...
Sattvic cooking for all doshas
When people come to Hale Pule Ayurveda and Yoga trainings, they often ask how we can make our food so delicious when it is prepared so simply. We say that... Read More

A cooling summertime meal
When temperatures rise outside, pitta can heat up inside, causing irritability, excess sweating and anger, among other symptoms. What "food as medicine" should you reach for to find balance? The...
A cooling summertime meal
When temperatures rise outside, pitta can heat up inside, causing irritability, excess sweating and anger, among other symptoms. What "food as medicine" should you reach for to find balance? The... Read More