
Is this my feeling or yours?
Learn basic tools for staying in the center of your head when making decisions.
Is this my feeling or yours?
Learn basic tools for staying in the center of your head when making decisions. Read More

How meditation has changed my life
When I show up for meditation, I am given the gift of clarity.
How meditation has changed my life
When I show up for meditation, I am given the gift of clarity. Read More

Why we chant mantra
Repeating a mantra silently to yourself is a great way to internalize the energetic harmony of the words, raise your vibration, and embody the intention. Here are a few tips...
Why we chant mantra
Repeating a mantra silently to yourself is a great way to internalize the energetic harmony of the words, raise your vibration, and embody the intention. Here are a few tips... Read More

Making difficult work a meditative act
A student shares how meditation brings relief for every condition.
Making difficult work a meditative act
A student shares how meditation brings relief for every condition. Read More

A grounding meditation practice
With meditation, there is no right way. Let it be a space to remember who you are as eternal spirit.
A grounding meditation practice
With meditation, there is no right way. Let it be a space to remember who you are as eternal spirit. Read More

A new way of looking at luck
The typical view is that luck is random, that some people are just “born lucky.” But the truth is that we contribute to everything we experience in life. Each of...
A new way of looking at luck
The typical view is that luck is random, that some people are just “born lucky.” But the truth is that we contribute to everything we experience in life. Each of... Read More