
A cooling summertime meal
When temperatures rise outside, pitta can heat up inside, causing irritability, excess sweating and anger, among other symptoms. What "food as medicine" should you reach for to find balance? The...
A cooling summertime meal
When temperatures rise outside, pitta can heat up inside, causing irritability, excess sweating and anger, among other symptoms. What "food as medicine" should you reach for to find balance? The... Read More

Preparing your garden: An Ayurvedic approach to...
Cultivate your fertility with gentleness and love.
Preparing your garden: An Ayurvedic approach to...
Cultivate your fertility with gentleness and love. Read More

Going on vacation? Pack sattva in your suitcase
By Shannon Wianecki I love traveling, but I also love maintaining a balanced, sattvic routine. Over time, I’ve developed a packing list that makes hopping a plane, train, ship or...
Going on vacation? Pack sattva in your suitcase
By Shannon Wianecki I love traveling, but I also love maintaining a balanced, sattvic routine. Over time, I’ve developed a packing list that makes hopping a plane, train, ship or... Read More

Freedom comes with conscious choices
Everything we do in life takes us toward our state of balance or away from it. Which direction are you headed right now?
Freedom comes with conscious choices
Everything we do in life takes us toward our state of balance or away from it. Which direction are you headed right now? Read More

Build ojas with each bite
Ojas is an energy and a substance in your body that is responsible for vitality and immunity. Just like a bank account, you spend ojas through stress, lack of sleep...
Build ojas with each bite
Ojas is an energy and a substance in your body that is responsible for vitality and immunity. Just like a bank account, you spend ojas through stress, lack of sleep... Read More

Be kind to your body in asana and life
Being kind to ourselves moves us in the direction of sattva, and where we want to go in life.
Be kind to your body in asana and life
Being kind to ourselves moves us in the direction of sattva, and where we want to go in life. Read More