
On recovery: Surrender self-will with Step 9
Step 8 begins the practice of satya, honesty, and Step 9 moves this into action with amends. This process starts first on the inside before moving to the outside.
On recovery: Surrender self-will with Step 9
Step 8 begins the practice of satya, honesty, and Step 9 moves this into action with amends. This process starts first on the inside before moving to the outside. Read More

Your body’s wisdom | Respecting your natural urges
How many times have you held back a yawn, a sneeze or tears? Did you ever imagine that such a seemingly harmless action could contribute to illness and imbalance? That...
Your body’s wisdom | Respecting your natural urges
How many times have you held back a yawn, a sneeze or tears? Did you ever imagine that such a seemingly harmless action could contribute to illness and imbalance? That... Read More

Simple, powerful, compassionate listening
A student shares how deep and compassionate listening brings harmony to all of her relationships, most importantly with herself.
Simple, powerful, compassionate listening
A student shares how deep and compassionate listening brings harmony to all of her relationships, most importantly with herself. Read More

Herbed Asparagus | Let nature guide your cooking
Nature is our greatest teacher. By honoring its cycles in the natural world around us, we can begin to observe – and respect – those same cycles within us.
Herbed Asparagus | Let nature guide your cooking
Nature is our greatest teacher. By honoring its cycles in the natural world around us, we can begin to observe – and respect – those same cycles within us. Read More

What your skin is trying to tell you: An Ayurve...
Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and what happens on the outside reflects what is happening on the inside.
What your skin is trying to tell you: An Ayurve...
Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and what happens on the outside reflects what is happening on the inside. Read More

Leave your list behind: How to shop with aparig...
Whether you are shopping in a grocery store, a farmer’s market or directly from a garden, see how it feels to leave your expectations behind and shop with aparigraha.
Leave your list behind: How to shop with aparig...
Whether you are shopping in a grocery store, a farmer’s market or directly from a garden, see how it feels to leave your expectations behind and shop with aparigraha. Read More