Everything we do in life takes us toward our state of balance or away from it. Which direction are you headed right now?
Ayurveda and Yoga teach that each bite of food, every thought, conversation and everything in your environment impacts all parts of your being. Though that may sound daunting, there is actually great freedom in this reality since it means you have the ability to make different choices to get different results.
I often find that people beat themselves up over choices they made in the past that moved them away from health. But no matter how far away you are, there is always a way back to yourself. Each moment presents an opportunity for a new direction. For example, if you are feeling depleted because you said, “yes” to too many things, make the choice to get some rest, replenish your ojas (try our recipe for Ojas-Boosting Zucchini with Almonds) and reflect on how you can move toward consistent balance. It is that simple.
The more you allow prana to flow within your body by eating and living for your greatest well-being, the more open you are to spiritual connection, which is at the core of true health. Make the choice to tune into signs that prana is stagnant (pain, tension or discomfort) so you can correct the issue before it gets worse. Three tools we use for this are our Intuitive Energy Practice, pranayama and gentle Yoga asana. A pose like baddha konasana is a wonderful way to welcome more prana into your pelvis and lower body for a greater grounding and emotional openness.
With each step toward balance, consciousness increases and old habits fall away. The more you live in harmony with your body by making choices that are aligned with your highest good, the more natural those choices become. Place your attention on what you can do to feel better today, and take steps in that direction.
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