
Choosing natural healing for true health

Choosing natural healing for true health

At the crossroads between conventional and natural medicine, this student shares how Nature has provided her with deep and gentle healing time and time again.

Choosing natural healing for true health

At the crossroads between conventional and natural medicine, this student shares how Nature has provided her with deep and gentle healing time and time again. Read More

Anandamaya what? Falling into self-realization

Anandamaya what? Falling into self-realization

When we are completely present and there is no separation between our inner and outer worlds, we experience anandamaya kosha, the bliss body.

Anandamaya what? Falling into self-realization

When we are completely present and there is no separation between our inner and outer worlds, we experience anandamaya kosha, the bliss body. Read More

“I thought this was how my life was going to be.”  Julie’s panchakarma story

“I thought this was how my life was going to be...

Julie shares how panchakarma has opened a whole new level of well-being.

“I thought this was how my life was going to be...

Julie shares how panchakarma has opened a whole new level of well-being. Read More

The gray miracle | How I reduced gray hair with Ayurveda and Yoga

The gray miracle | How I reduced gray hair with...

By Shannon Wianecki I wouldn’t have believed it if it hadn’t happened on my own head. Reducing an imbalance in pitta dosha had dramatic results—some of my gray hairs returned...

The gray miracle | How I reduced gray hair with...

By Shannon Wianecki I wouldn’t have believed it if it hadn’t happened on my own head. Reducing an imbalance in pitta dosha had dramatic results—some of my gray hairs returned... Read More

Digesting the holidays

Digesting the holidays

Kindness, gentleness and tenderness are ingredients for good digestion during the holiday seasons.

Digesting the holidays

Kindness, gentleness and tenderness are ingredients for good digestion during the holiday seasons. Read More

Don’t rock the boat

Don’t rock the boat

A student share how she is learning to embrace her own well-being within the variety and love of her family.

Don’t rock the boat

A student share how she is learning to embrace her own well-being within the variety and love of her family. Read More