Why we take before and after photos

It’s a Hale Pule routine to take photos of guests and students when they arrive. We do it again before they leave. Whether they stay for four months, four weeks, or four days, the changes are striking. 

People experience physical changes (some look so different that it’s difficult to believe it’s the same person), but more often the shift is in the energy they carry in the after picture. These are people who are more connected to who they really are. That’s what makes Ayurveda more than just a diet -- it is a roadmap to self-realization. 

These incredible transformations didn’t come by taking a lot of herbs or secret formulas. They come from stripping away what is getting in the way of health and allowing our bodies and minds to naturally come back to balance. This is the Hale Pule method and it has worked for thousands of people. What we live and practice is:

  1. Simple. Remove what’s getting in the way of health before adding anything new.

  2. Practical. Take the classical teachings of Ayurveda and apply them to the modern day.

  3. Balanced. Walk in the direction of sattva (balance and harmony) in all parts of life.

These principles can be applied to any person and any health issue. If you’re ready to learn them, sign up for our 600-hour Ayurvedic health counselor program. This foundational program provides an avenue for you to learn the Hale Pule method and begin spreading the healing in your community. Through written lessons, audio recordings and live lectures, you’ll learn the wisdom of Ayurveda and -- most importantly -- how to apply it to guide others to feel better, look better and live better.

In my decades-long search for health, I tried nearly every kind of alternative healing I could find. Nothing compared to the authentic practices of Ayurveda. Our online Ayurveda certification program offers an incredible opportunity to heal on a deeper level than your clients ever believed was possible. Enroll today and join us in creating your own transformation stories

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