
The sweetness of satya
Honesty is one of the most caring practices that you can do for yourself.
The sweetness of satya
Honesty is one of the most caring practices that you can do for yourself. Read More

Simple Ayurvedic Recipe: A shake to replace you...
It’s time to rethink your smoothie habit. You know that cold, blended fruit and veggie drink that you’ve been told is a healthful meal. Be honest: How do you really...
Simple Ayurvedic Recipe: A shake to replace you...
It’s time to rethink your smoothie habit. You know that cold, blended fruit and veggie drink that you’ve been told is a healthful meal. Be honest: How do you really... Read More

My first snehan
Ayurvedic snehan treatments provide a new mother with space for relaxation and softening.
My first snehan
Ayurvedic snehan treatments provide a new mother with space for relaxation and softening. Read More

A sweet Ayurvedic treat for Valentine’s Day
Show love with Ojas rose milk - a sweet and nourishing treat.
A sweet Ayurvedic treat for Valentine’s Day
Show love with Ojas rose milk - a sweet and nourishing treat. Read More

Vedic Astrology winter 2018 update
Robin sheds light on the current astrological patterns, and how we can align with the cosmic rhythms.
Vedic Astrology winter 2018 update
Robin sheds light on the current astrological patterns, and how we can align with the cosmic rhythms. Read More

How to change your life with Ayurveda and Yoga
By Myra Lewin Ayurveda and Yoga offer a wealth of information about how to live a better life. Yet students who attend our trainings are often surprised to hear me...
How to change your life with Ayurveda and Yoga
By Myra Lewin Ayurveda and Yoga offer a wealth of information about how to live a better life. Yet students who attend our trainings are often surprised to hear me... Read More