One of the greatest investments you can make in your health is committing to eating home-cooked meals. This doesn’t need to be a complicated process. In fact, it takes little more than a quality rice cooker to create a simple Ayurvedic meal.
Our favorite meal to make this way is kitchari, a basic combination of split mung and rice. Try this nourishing meal when you are traveling (just pack a rice cooker and all the ingredients to make it in your hotel room). You could also buy a rice cooker to keep in your office to take the place of take-out lunches. Or toss all the ingredients together to eat well on a busy day.
You can make this a different meal every day by varying the spices, swapping out different grains, or adding chopped vegetables. Just add heavier augmenting vegetables (sweet potatoes, pumpkin, etc.) to the rice cooker at the beginning of the cycle, then toss in your lighter extractive vegetables (kale, collards, celery) in at the end to gently steam to deliciousness.
Rice cooker split mung and rice
Serves 4
You’ll need:
1 cup basmati rice, white or brown
2/3 cup split mung beans
2 Tbsp. ghee
1 tsp. cumin powder
1 tsp. fresh grated ginger or 1/2 tsp. powdered
1 tsp. fresh grated turmeric or 1/2 tsp. powdered
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1/2 tsp. mineral salt
3½ cups water
Here’s how:
Add all ingredients into rice cooker and start the cooking process. Stir well before serving.
Visit our Ayurveda Lifestyle page for kitchen essentials