Five tips that helped me quit coffee – for good


Us Swedes tend to drink a lot of coffee. We even have a word for the act of gathering to have coffee and a bite to eat, fika. So I used to be quite a coffee drinker, but I recently decided that I don’t want to be dependent on anything. I want to choose what I consume, not be unconsciously programmed to need something. 

The morning cup and the ones I had in social gatherings were the toughest ones for me to give up, but these tips are what helped me quit coffee – for good.

  1. Be motivated! We can only do what we really want to do. Research what coffee does to you and make a list of your reasons to quit and put it on your door or a place where you see it often. If you’re well informed you’re more likely to choose not to put it into your body. From an Ayurvedic perspective, coffee is a tamasic and rajasic food that takes energy from you. It makes you feel dull, lethargic and at the same time overstimulates your mind and makes the colon lazy.

  2. Start by cutting down. Is there one cup during the day that is easier to give up? Start small and stick with your change, rather than quitting completely right away and then falling back into old patterns. One change that you can commit to is a great start. When it feels like you can add more, make a second change.

  3. Replace your morning ritual. For many, the morning ritual of drinking coffee is very important. Replace the coffee with a soothing cup of hot water. This is a much gentler way to say “good morning” to your precious body. A delicious herbal tea will also do the trick.

  4. Breathe, meditate and take time for you. I often take a walk in nature to bring me back to my center and fight off the cravings when they arise. Also remember that you’re not alone. Talk to a friend for support or send me a message.

  5. Be patient. Change doesn't happen overnight. Realize how long you've been building up your old habits, it will take time for them to go. Be gentle with yourself. You are on your way!

As you go through these steps, be sure to choose a time when you can relax and take time for yourself. For instance, the holidays may not be the best time to quit. This is important – make space for it and make it a priority.  

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