My before and after photo


By Myra Lewin

Before After

I recently found an old box filled with photographs of my life. I found headshots from my time as a corporate executive, pictures of me at holiday parties and a few childhood photos from the black-and-white days. I also found this photo below, taken just after I had left the corporate world and set out to build my life upon healing. 

Here’s what’s funny: Though this photograph was taken 22 years ago, I think I look more vibrant today. I know I feel more alive.

After studying Ayurveda and Yoga for nearly three decades, I have come to understand that health does not need to decline as we age. In fact, it can get better at any point if you are committed to making your well-being a priority. I work with clients every day who are learning to approach life with this understanding. As they take steps to become more conscious in how they live and eat, their lives expand in wonderful ways. 

Guiding transformations like these is what inspired me to launch our 600-hour Ayurvedic health counselor program and to continue to offer events and workshops in New Zealand and worldwide.

The world is in great need of healers who can bring the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda into the modern day. It is an honor to share these teachings with my clients, and now I am offering them to you. I believe that by training more health counselors who can guide others toward health and a deeper connection to one’s true self, we can make the world a more conscious and awakened place. 

I look forward to seeing you step up and share the healing.

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