Heal with Ayurveda and Yoga

What would your life be like if you felt well? How would you feel if you were not trapped by pain, locked into the discomfort of illness and the distraction of symptoms that have become far too common?

We invite you to imagine an experience of true health. Here, your body and mind are here to serve you along your journey, not confine you. You can find connection to something greater than yourself and enjoy all that life has to offer. This experience is likely far beyond anything you could have imagined, yet it is what is possible with the wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga.

For more than 5,000 years, practitioners of Ayurveda and Yoga have shared tools to naturally prevent and heal illness, relieve pain and soothe a troubled mind. These sciences, especially when practiced together, invite profound transformation. Those who have experienced their power can attest that these practices are life-changing. We are honored to share the gifts of Ayurveda and Yoga through consultations, panchakarma, Ayurvedic treatments, energy healings and more.

You can experience true health. Explore our offerings to find out how.

You can experience true health

mind, body and spirit in harmony with nature

Heal Your Relationship with Food

Unlock your food freedom and live a fulfilled life.

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Agni therapy

A 4-week digestion and life reset

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Panchakarma at home

Heal in your own space

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Our holistic approach

We focus on more than just health at Hale Pule. We focus on true health. This is the experience of your entire being -- mind, body and spirit -- functioning in harmony. Imbalances are corrected at the root cause and dysfunctions are addressed by realigning the way your body and mind are meant to function.

The practice of Ayurveda addresses common complaints (e.g., gas and bloating, constipation, chronic headaches, infertility, mental fogginess, eczema) and, in many cases, can reverse the disease process. Using diet, lifestyle, herbs and treatments, you can enjoy an entirely new experience of your body and mind.

The practice of Yoga focuses on calming the mind and inviting a deeper connection to the divine that exists within all of us. Using asanas (Yoga postures), meditation, mudra, pranayama and mantra, you can cultivate a connection to the part of yourself that goes far beyond your body and mind and find fulfillment in simply being alive.

Intuitive energy healings address the subtle levels of being, shining light on the energy that shapes your life, offering release from an endless cycle of struggle.