Herb Instructions


Your choorna is a unique blend of Ayurvedic herbs created by our practitioners especially for your needs at this time. Your condition will change as the herbs take effect, so when you have about twenty one days left, please fill out this form to submit your herb order request. This is an update about how you are doing so we can adjust your formula based on your progress and send you a refill or make additional recommendations.


It is important to take the herbs consistently at the recommended dosage for them to be most effective. If you don't take them, they donʻt work. Taking a lesser amount will not necessarily bring the desired results. Take the recommended dosage until they are gone, unless otherwise recommended.

If you are having any difficulty taking the herbs, let us know right away and we will assess with you. If you forget to take your herbs, take them when you remember. Report any concerns with taking your herbs to herbs@halepule.com right away.

Use a prayer or mantra of your choice when taking herbs. This softens and opens the cells of your body, connects you to your source, and brings you to a place of receiving. If you have a personal mantra or particular prayer you enjoy then use that, otherwise use the Vedic mantra below to invoke your connection to your innate and cosmic healing power. Repeat the mantra three times silently. Smile to yourself and acknowledge your connection to all that is for healing.


Om tryambakai yajamahe

Sugandhim pushti vardanum

Udrva rukamiva bandhanaat

Mrityor muksheeyama amritat swaha

(take the herbs now as an offering)

I worship that fragrant Shiva of three eyes,

the one who nourishes all living entities.

May he help us sever our bondage with samsara by having us
realize we are never separated from our immortal nature.

Rigveda 7.59.12


Ayurvedic herbs support your subtle energy body to bring your mind and physical body toward balance. When you are well balanced there are no symptoms, such as PMS, indigestion, fluctuating energy levels, acne and poor sleep. Herbs are medicines that are digested like food.

Where drugs and vitamins act on the body, herbs used with a holistic Ayurvedic approach support the body's natural rhythms and function. Drugs manipulate the natural processes of healing and mask the causes of imbalance and disease. With drugs we are trained to look for quick results on the outside, but this doesn’t create long-term health inside.

Herbs, on the other hand, are neither a quick fix nor a long-term cover-up. Sometimes people experience quick changes, but most often there is a gradual shift over a period of time. This is the most effective approach for healing. Herbs are typically used over a period of one to twelve months, depending on the type and extent of imbalance. Many people take herbs on an ongoing basis, making shifts with their personal transformations and the seasons. Your practitioner will give you guidance on the best approach for you.


These general instructions may vary by individual so reference your individual instructions to be clear.

Powder choorna

Take the herbs according to the instructions with the suggested annupana (facilitator). Hold the herbs or mixture in your mouth for a few seconds to experience the taste and begin digestion. Then swallow. This is a good time to chant a mantra or say a prayer.

If you are new to taking herbs, take half your suggested amount for the first two days. On the third day, increase to the amount recommended by your practitioner if all is well. Report any concerns to herbs@halepule.com right away.

When measuring your herbs, do not compact them. Give them a stir then, use a measuring spoon to scoop the herbs. To level the spoon, tap it on the side of the container or give it a shake. Do not level off with another utensil, this will compact the herbs and will result in taking more than your recommended dose. 

Note: Some powdered herbs may clump due to moisture. This is not a problem. Use a spoon to break up the clump and mix thoroughly. Be sure to store herbs closed and in a cool, dark place.

Triphala powder

It is possible to experience 1-2 loose bowel movements when starting triphala, as it is moving undigested food out of the digestive tract.

Begin with ½ tsp twice per day on day 1 and day 2. On day 3 if there is no loose bowel movement then go to 1 tsp twice per day. If there is a loose bowel movement then reduce to ½ tsp for another 1-3 days. If loose bowel movements persist reduce the amount to ¼ tsp and notify your practitioner. When elimination is solid for a day increase gradually to 1 tsp over 1-3 days.

When triphala doesnʻt taste good there is imbalance in your system. When you are more balanced it will taste pleasant.

Powdered vs Tablet Herbs

Both powder and tablets work well. With the powder you experience the taste on your tongue, which is helpful for the digestion of the herb. It is a little more potent than the tablets and customized for you. However, tablets also work very well. It is important to get what you are willing to take with an open heart and mind.


Tablet herbs are typically taken with warm water, or warm aloe vera juice. Your recommended instructions will be specific. If you are having trouble taking them then crush the tablet to see if that helps.

Lehyams/gulams (jams)

Take the suggested amount with ½ cup of warm water on an empty stomach at least one hour before a meal.

Arishtams (liquid)

Take the suggested amount of arishtam often right after meals unless guided otherwise. Arishtams have a small amount of natural fermentation, which allows them to easily enter the body tissues.

Ghrta (medicated ghee)

Take 1 tsp. of liquid ghrita per day (you may need to warm it) in the morning 20 minutes before breakfast. 

Ghee solidifies in cooler temperatures. Your ghrita may be liquid, solid, or part liquid and solid. It’s all okay. Store the ghrita in a dark cool cupboard out of the sunlight. Use only a clean, dry utensil to avoid contaminating the ghee. Wet or unclean utensils will result in mold. Don't use it for cooking.


“It might sound strange but I just LOVE taking my herbs. I LOVE blessing them with the mantra before taking them too. In the beginning when I first started taking them I felt a lot of resistance towards taking them and I really had to force myself to do it. The triphala especially because of the taste. I don’t even recognise the taste anymore. I have also had off days where I haven’t been able to take them and moments where I have been without while waiting for them to arrive again and those are the moments where I realize they must be doing something - very subtly I begin to feel a little wobbly again.”


Email herbs@halepule.com with any questions or to share your progress as the herbs take effect.