About Karla

Ayurvedic Health Counselor
Constitution: pitta
Favourite asana: I enjoy all asanas as each one represents a surrender to my inner self. Breathing deeply through the practice of asana is the greatest gift. My favorite asana is Tadasana because I feel like a mountain, grounded. It takes me in a deep connection with myself and nature through the five senses. It feels earthy and cosmic energy and allows me to be present.
Based in: Las Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico
I am an Ayurvedic Health Counselor at Hale Pule Ayurveda and Yoga, Yoga teacher, wife and mother of two gorgeous children.
First I became a Yoga teacher, my beginning in this path was magical. My first Yoga class 20 years ago brought me so much joy and peace I knew I was hooked!
I was feeling a need to connect with myself and heal my body and mind, so I became a Yoga teacher so that I could share it with my family, my children and my community. I have been teaching Yoga for 6 years and love it.
But when I found Ayurveda everything started to make more sense. I felt I had found a way to experience balance in all aspects of my life.
I first heard about Ayurveda through my studies in Yoga. I felt a connection with Ayurveda more and more each time I was exposed to it. I decided to go deeper by reading and studying many books and following the guidance from Myra’s Hale Pule podcasts. Then I decided to go further and enrolled in the Ayurvedic Health Counselor Program at Hale Pule. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
I was struggling with health issues for such a long time that they became so normal to me. I learned to live with pain and mood changes through most of my adult life. I thought everybody struggles with something. Now my thinking has changed. By allowing Ayurveda as my foundation my body and mind are more balanced. I feel healthier, free of symptoms, stronger and more energetic than in my younger years. I have rejuvenated. So life is better, motivation in life is so high that it feels extraordinary.
Why did I decide to follow this path? It was my dharma telling me that in order to search for well-being and find it you have to nourish it and share it. What inspires me is to be of service sharing wellness. Therefore, I am a permanent student, always learning.
I love to read, especially when being in nature. My happy place is being in nature, hugging a tree, gardening, smelling flowers. I love the smell of wet earth especially after rain when the sun comes out and it gives us a rainbow, it’s so peaceful. It lightens me from every stress in life and grounds me.