About Ericka


Guidance Team Lead, Ayurvedic Health Counselor
Favorite asana: Urdhva Dhanurasana. It helps me access the strength and courage it takes to live with an open heart.
Based in: Bali, Indonesia



I began my journey as a client at Hale Pule. With Myraji’s guidance and sattvic approach, I experienced healing and transformation beyond what I thought possible, cultivating true vitality, freedom and joy. Afterward, I became a certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor and have been mentoring with Myraji since 2019.

I hold an unshakable conviction that with willingness, commitment, and small shifts towards sattva, everyone can heal themselves naturally of any condition of the mind, body, or spirit. I’m inspired by our clients’ and students’ courage, and am blessed to witness and celebrate their transformations daily. It’s a honor and delight to work with the inspirational team at Hale Pule, guiding our clients, students, and each other to move beyond limitations in their health and spiritual journeys.

My favorite augmenting vegetable is a parsnip, my favorite hobby is Afro-Latin dancing, and my favorite way to cultivate sattva is to touch a tree and look up to the sky. It coaxes a smile from every cell of my body.

Today, I support Hale Pule as the Guidance Lead, overseeing our Ayurveda Certification Trainings and online client programs. I also serve as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor.