About Anna

Client Coordinator
Constitution: pitta-vata
Favourite asana: Any twist
Based in: Cape Town, South Africa
Growing up on my grandparent’s farm, I enjoyed home-grown veggies, dairy, and heartfelt cooking. Grandma loved making all sorts of medicinal herbal combinations. This left a lasting memory of a simpler way of living in tune with nature and in sync with the times of day and seasons.
Although it resonated with me to live that way, I opted for a more “modern” way of life. Being interested in health and wellness, I enjoyed reading up on the latest diets and supplements. Eating “healthy” meant having salads and lean meats, drinking way too much water and herbal teas, and exercising to break a sweat. Mainstream yoga asana was a practice I dipped my toes in occasionally.
The fast-paced world of deadlines, and demanding clients soon took its toll on my health and emotional well-being. Not to mention the side-effects of co-dependent relationships on the job and in personal life.
As a result, bouts of debilitating dermatitis and psoriasis, with inexplicable body pains as well as frequent sinus and lung infections became the norm.
Through it all, I believed that my body was telling me something important; I just needed to learn its language. This is what Ayurveda did for me. It taught me the language my body uses to communicate with me. Once I understood this, I could reverse the symptoms and eliminate the root cause.
It was only when I found Hale Pule that Ayurveda became “user-friendly” for me. The practical, gentle approach and caring community made it possible for me to live Ayurveda daily. In a sense, it was also like coming home.
There are new layers of healing every time I do the Agni Therapy program. Dinacharya and Sadhana bring new awareness and a deeper connection to consciousness. Now, I can feel within myself the inner stillness I saw in my grandma’s eyes as she sat on the porch, gazing across the fields.