Hear Agni Therapy
The Path of Fulfillment
Self, Intuition, Community
"Myra gave me results within weeks and tools for life..."
"So much wisdom, knowledge and inspiration in this program!"
"It doesn't have to be perfect. I'm learning to learn."
"I felt like Myra was really holding my hand and guiding me throughout this program."
"It has been quite a journey but Agni Therapy is the thing that really helped me heal."
Experience the Benefits
“Miraculously things started to move and to become lighter and to leave. And I was able to breath again and just feel like I was familiar to myself.”
“Ayurveda is so much more. It's such a wisdom for every situation in your life. My mind became so calm and relaxed and happy!"
“My symptoms were costing me happiness... after just 4 weeks I feel like I've reversed time. Is that even possible?"
“I've been pulling this together for year, getting some, missing some. But its all right here in the Agni Therapy program."
“In just a couple of weeks I started noticing a change… I began to show up for myself in a way I hadn't been able to.”
“I thought if this doesn’t work then I’m completely out of ideas… I really feel good want this to be my normal.”
“The group is so kind - I feel at home. I had digestive issues, skin breakouts, tired… Ayurveda I feel has re-birthed me. It's just beautiful.”
“I’ve tried various diets... but I find the Ayurvedic way is the easiest. I healed my stomach and digestion. My mind is so clear.”
“I’m finally learning to be okay with being me. It’s been really amazing and eye opening. The whole package has been great.”
“I couldn’t run or play tennis anymore… my joints stopped being sore. I feel empowered and in charge of my own health.”
Stories of Hormone Healing and Profound Transformation