So pleased you're here taking healing action for yourself. The best time to be well is NOW.


Unlock your food freedom, allow self-love, and align with your heart’s wisdom

Does food run your life? Or are you running from it?

Are you suffering with any of these ... ? 

Anxiety over having eaten the “wrong” thing

Eating things that you know won’t make you feel good because you’re afraid of missing out

​Constantly thinking about what you can eat and when you can eat it

​Restrictive diets that don’t seem to do good for your body (but you force yourself to stick with it anyway!)

Eating to deal with stress and strong emotions

​Knowing what’s healthy but doing the opposite anyway then beating yourself down with guilt

​A rollercoaster ride of following strict eating plans then binging on all kinds of junk food

Unconsciously snacking on food to avoid boredom

​Overeating sugar

A broken relationship with food causes pain and suffering. Feelings of guilt, shame, and frustration lead to isolation and loneliness - especially when it seems like everyone else can eat what they want.  


Thinking about food and worrying about how your body looks and feels when you could be channeling your energy towards fulfilling your life’s purpose.


On trying to fix the problem from the outside with fad diets, exercise programs that don’t work, and food that doesn’t make you feel good.


I didn’t relate at all to food - I only thought about what it could do for me. And I was self conscious about my body. 

When I was young I had been told I had a fat butt and then my view of my body changed. I couldn’t look in the mirror without seeing a huge butt. 

I was unhappy most of the time, looking for ways to feel better in my body. I tried all kinds of restrictions - no oil, no salt, no sugar...not eating at all for days...then eating a TONNE of food... I was so tired.

But eventually I uncovered the root cause of my broken relationship with food...

...and it wasn’t something that could be fixed with a strict diet, an intense exercise schedule, or by not eating at all...

I found a way to overcome it and experience true food freedom, and now I’m here to guide you to do the same.


People used to point out to me how much I was eating. I would eat 2 or 3 times as much as anyone else at the table. I thought I could get away with it because I ran marathons when I wasn’t injured (which was frequent). 


I would also fast for days at a time because I loved the feeling of being light. On top of all of that,
I imposed all kinds of restrictions on myself. No oil, no salt, no sugar (for 10 years!). 


For a while I lived just on macaroni because it was easy and I was constantly traveling for business.
I had a broken relationship with food and I was beyond miserable. I was suicidal.


I ended up in the hospital, butterfly in my arm, waiting for surgery. My gallbladder was in bad shape from my eating habits and the decision was to remove it. Luckily a Doctor walked into the room and said “I don’t think we should do this”. I quickly agreed, jumped up, and ran out of there.

Then and there I decided to look for another way. Finally I found it. 

The practices of Ayurveda and Yoga provided me with the tools to understand my unconscious drives, my self-deception and self-sabotage, and unravel it all. 


I transformed entirely. Once I put it all together I made the changes INSIDE of me, which gave me incredible freedom. 


Now over 3 decades I have guided thousands of women along the same path - the path to food freedom. The path home to themselves.      

 Imagine what life will be like when you experience 

true freedom in your relationship with food 

Food freedom offers.

Experience the joy of eating & feeling completely nourished

Mealtime is meant to be a pleasure, not a time to suffer. And doing what’s right for your body doesn’t have to be complicated. 


You can genuinely enjoy healthy foods that bring satisfaction and nourishment to your mind and body, so you don’t find yourself constantly eating and feeling guilty about it.

Control over the food you eat, instead of food controlling you

Control isn’t about restriction, or trying your best to avoid some big no-no list of forbidden foods. Control isn’t about being perfect, or forcing yourself to follow rules when they don’t seem to do much good for your body. 


 Control is being in your power when it comes to food. It’s understanding what works for your body, and choosing to align with that from a place of faith, connection, and trust - not fear. 

Confidence in your food choices (and life choices!)

With a calm and clear mind that works for you, not against you, you’ll trust your choices. 

You’ll feel safe in knowing what your body needs, and when.
















... unleash your life in the best possible way.

Feel  bright, energized and  inspired

Eliminate erratic eating patterns and develop a balanced approach to eating that will energize you. With balance comes inspiration, and the focus to creatively manifest your vision.

Be nourished with genuine self-love

Self-love isn’t about dos and don’ts, shoulds or shouldnt’s. Genuine self-love has nothing to do with rules. Love is simple, love is free, and love is always available to give to yourself.

Experience the joy of eating

Because you are connected with your body and you understand what it needs. 

Because your mind is clear, sure, and present as you enjoy a meal. Because your spiritual connection guides you to make food choices that uplift you.

Embrace your relationships

Self-awareness and self-love are intertwined with food freedom. As you heal your relationship with food, you heal your relationship with yourself, with nature, and with those who are most important to you.

With food freedom comes self-confidence. It’s you in your wisdom, in your courage, 
in your radiance. It’s you showing up as YOU, not somebody else. 


A holistic 12-week program that will unlock your food freedom so that you can rise up and live an inspired life.



A proven self-healing system based in Ayurveda and Yoga and a conscious, compassionate community.

Free Your Body ...

Learn to create healing, digestible meals so you can stop feeling uncomfortable during or after eating.

This includes a simple framework to plan everyday meals so you can stop wondering what to eat to stay healthy.

Eliminate erratic eating patterns and develop a balanced approach to eating that will energize you.

​Tune into the rhythm of your body and nature so that you know how much to eat and when to eat to feel your best.

Free Your Mind ...

Uproot feelings of guilt or shame about food if that’s what you’re experiencing and connect to the sacred nature of eating.

Receive tools for releasing judgement and negative self-talk and cultivating a loving relationship with yourself and with food.

Learn how to deal with intense cravings and process difficult emotions around food.

​Develop tools for strengthening your body and mind so that you can commit to your healing path without getting side-tracked.

Free Your Relationships ...

Navigate your personal relationships so that you can fully align with your life goals, and you’ll actually enhance your relationships too, because you will cultivate greater self awareness and self love.

Free Your Spirit & Your Life ... 🌺💗

Some of the tools, knowledge and transformation work we do together.

    1-1 Ayurvedic health consultation

A full Ayurvedic personal health consultation so that you can get  a personalized healing plan based on your unique constitution and needs.


   1-1 intuitive energy healing

A personal healing to resolve trauma and deep-seated anxiety through this profound energetic healing practice.


Weekly group coaching with Myra Lewin...

A deep dive into the root causes of disordered eating patterns, and guidance for resolution. 

12 recorded classes...

Profound wisdom transmissions that will guide your path of self-inquiry and self-healing with Ayurveda and Yoga.

21 x instructional videos...

In-depth guidance on Ayurvedic principles and practices, Ayurvedic cooking, Yoga asana, meditation, mantra & much more.

Program Guidebook...

Weekly discovery steps that will guide you to peel back the layers of tension, anxiety, sadness, and judgement so that you can connect with the luminous, wise being that you really are.


10 x downloadable instructional e-guides and templates...

A toolkit for your holistic lifestyle. Our best and most useful tools for reflection, encouragement, and inspiration - right at your fingertips.


12 x Intuitive Energy Practice guided meditations...

An incredible practice for shedding self-defeating beliefs and thoughts, and raising your energetic vibration so that you can experience the miracles of the present moment.

Your guide to deeply nourishing your body and truly enjoying meals so that you can beat cravings, end emotional eating and put a stop to self-sabotage.



Our team is committed to supporting you to completely resolve your 

issues with food so that you have the freedom to live your inspired life.


Enrollment in the Heal Your Relationship with food program is limited, 

so secure your place today.


Food Freedom, Naturally.



* Ayurvedic Health Consultation


* Intuitive energy healing 


* Weekly group coaching with Myra Lewin 


* 20 hours of educational content


* Private healing community 

   for support & accountability


Value to  do this 1-1 with Myra - $13,812

BONUS#1 - Dine with Myra 

7 complete days of nourishing Ayurvedic recipes - breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so you don't need to wonder what to prepare to feel good.


BONUS#2 - Out and About Guide 

to nourishing yourself and being at ease while eating out and travelling.


BONUS#3 - Refocusing Rituals
system for when distractions come up and old habits creep in. This will support you to resume without guilt, shame, or perfectionism.


BONUS#4 - Kick Caffeine Guide

don't panic ;)

+ MEGA BONUS -  Unlimited Access to Community & Live Coaching 

so you can continue / repeat the program with future groups

limited time PRICELESS offer when you buy today



$383 $ 333 x 6   or

$1997 $ 1697 x 1      
(20% savings) + bonus group energy healing


QUICK ACTION BONUS - 1st 50 people to join 

COMPLEMENTARY 1 month access to  'Everyday Sadhana', our members-only online Yoga membership

Satisfaction Guarantee

You make this investment at NO RISK because you’re covered by my personal Satisfaction Guarantee.


I am so confident that if you apply the information in this program and if you give the strategies an honest effort, YOU'LL SEE HUGE RESULTS IN YOUR LIFE.


So I invite you to learn and apply the tools we share in the program. Participate in the group coaching sessions and ask for help. Give yourself a chance, give the process your 100% including completing the program materials and supportive practices.


If by the end of the first month you don’t feel that the program is for you, I ask that you fill out our refund request form within 30 days of purchase, and we’ll issue you a prompt refund. This refund excludes the price of a 1-1 consultation should one have taken place (consultation price is $238 USD).



From struggle to freedom, in gentle and nurturing steps.

“My relationship with food improved so much by working with Myra. My anxiety level was reduced by following the recommended schedules, since I already know that there are 3 times of the day when I will enjoy a nutritious, fresh and delicious meal. 


These are sacred moments in which I have learned to be grateful and take the time to connect with myself, listen to my body and enjoy life feeling energetic and satisfied. 


I am very grateful to have found this light on my path and to be able to enjoy my menstrual cycle again, and I hope to be a mother again one day.” 


I came to Ayurveda because of the physical symptoms - IBS, gut disbiosis, leaky gut, food intolerances, allergies, extreme bloating, inflammation, the list goes on. 


I thought my relationship with food was completely fine and had nothing to do with it - I actually felt resistance to exploring this. Well, it turned out there was A LOT under the surface. 


After so much searching and trying everything, I finally found the root cause of it all. Ayurveda and Yoga taught me the principles from nature and gave me tools to guide myself back to a place of balance. 


My biggest transformation was not just physical, mental or emotional. It was spiritual. I developed faith, in myself and in life. This makes me feel whole on all levels and able to enjoy the flow of life with great contentment


I'm so grateful for Myra and Hale Pule for sharing this great wisdom. 



 Food Freedom is Real.









Heal Your Relationship with Food is an intimate group healing program, and space is limited. 
It’s time to really show up for yourself - join our conscious community of self-healers today.


Food Freedom, Naturally.



* Ayurvedic Health Consultation


* Intuitive energy healing 


* Weekly group coaching with Myra Lewin 


* 20 hours of educational content


* Private healing community 

   for support & accountability


Value to  do this 1-1 with Myra - $13,812

BONUS#1 - Dine with Myra 

7 complete days of nourishing Ayurvedic recipes - breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so you don't need to wonder what to prepare to feel good.


BONUS#2 - Out and About Guide 

to nourishing yourself and being at ease while eating out and travelling.


BONUS#3 - Refocusing Rituals
system for when distractions come up and old habits creep in. This will support you to resume without guilt, shame, or perfectionism.


BONUS#4 - Kick Caffeine Guide

don't panic ;)

+ MEGA BONUS -  Unlimited Access to Community & Live Coaching 

so you can continue / repeat the program with future groups

limited time PRICELESS offer when you buy today



$383 $ 333 x 6   or

$1997 $ 1697 x 1      
(20% savings) + bonus group energy healing


QUICK ACTION BONUS - 1st 50 people to join 

COMPLEMENTARY 1 month access to  'Everyday Sadhana', our members-only online Yoga membership



A few things you may be wondering about...

I have already taken Hale Pule’s Agni Therapy program, do I need this?

Heal Your Relationship with Food is for you if you continue to experience compulsivity with food, or if you regularly experience feelings of guilt or shame related to your food choices. This is not a personal failure - it simply indicates that there are more opportunities for self-inquiry and healing.


Heal Your Relationship with Food is a natural progression from the Agni Therapy program that will guide you in a deep inner exploration. On this journey you will gain the tools required to resolve life-long issues with food and self-love, and emerge with a true connection to the sacred nature of eating.

Plus as an Agni Therapy program member you’re eligible for a discount (please be sure to use your special link).

Am I going to have time for this?

You will need to set aside 2-4 hours in weeks 1 and 2 to review the instructional videos and work with the guides and practices. A 2 hour commitment is needed for weeks 3-12, plus time for journaling and reflection, daily self-care and cooking. Carving out this time is a gift to yourself, and to your loved ones. As you heal, you will have more energy to direct towards what’s important to you, and more to give others.

What kind of support can I get if I get stuck?

A key part of the Heal Your Relationship with Food program is a conscious, private community. This is a place where people ask questions, offer solutions, support and offer accountability to one another if needed. Plus each week Myra Lewin will host a live coaching call where those in the group have the opportunity to ask questions and receive real-time solutions.

What if it is not what I expect?

We offer a 30 day guarantee/refund. You make this investment at NO RISK because you’re covered by Hale Pule’s satisfaction guarantee. If by the end of the first 30 days of the guided process, you don’t feel that the program is for you, I ask that you fill out our refund request form within 30 days from the date of your purchase and we’ll issue you a prompt refund.  Consultations received during the first 30 days are not eligible for a refund.

I’m a vegan. Will this still work for me?

Ayurvedic cooking typically incorporates ghee, but you can substitute other high quality oils like coconut, olive and sesame, depending on your dosha.

Do I need to have Facebook to do this program?

No, this program will operate in Mighty Networks; a safe and private platform free of distractions where you can still enjoy all the benefits of connecting with your peers. 

How do I follow the program and still cook for my family?

We recommend people ask their family to be supportive of them doing the program. Explain to your loved ones why you want to do it, and how it will make you feel.


Sometimes we think our family will be one way and we don’t give them a chance to show up for us. They might surprise you if you let them!


Logistically - your family can share many of the same meals as you are having. There may be some elements that they do differently to you if they choose to add things, but the basis of the meal can be the same.

I have trouble seeing things through. Is this program for me?

The practices offered in this program are designed to help you to calm the aspects of yourself that keep you from finishing things in life. Allow this program to be the end of that pattern. 

Can I do Heal Your Relationship with Food if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Yes, the vast majority of the practices offered in Heal Your Relationship with Food are suitable for you if you’re pregnant or postpartum. There are a few practices that may need to be modified, and we can guide you with that.

I have (insert condition/diagnosis). Will Heal Your Relationship with Food work for me?

There are a growing number of named conditions and diagnoses these days. Ayurveda is a holistic approach that brings balance to the root cause of health problems by balancing the doshas, caring for agni and clearing ama/metabolic toxins. 


The exceptions would be if you are currently undergoing chemotherapy or have type one diabetes. Be in contact with us if you are experiencing either of these situations.


If you are still unsure whether Heal Your Relationship with Food will be supportive for you then be in touch with us -

For someone who has already been practicing Ayurveda and Yoga for years with no big changes, why would this be successful?

It’s likely that Ayurveda was not applied holistically which can be a downfall with a western linear approach. 

Is the Ayurvedic health consultation with Myra Lewin?

Your consultation will be either with Myra Lewin or Ericka Kilgore.


I have already studied Ayurveda, how is this different?

Heal Your Relationship with Food is designed for you to apply the tools of Ayurveda and Yoga to the deep, holistic healing of your mind and spirit.


Some things in Heal Your Relationship with Food you may be familiar with but remember that Ayurveda and Yoga is not something we know, it is something we do. If you are not consistently practicing the tools of Ayurveda in your everyday life, you will benefit from Heal Your Relationship with Food.

Are there any extra expenses outside of the course cost?

There are certain food items that you will cook with daily such as ghee and spices. If you don’t already have these, then you will need to purchase them.


The feedback we have from those in the program is that their food costs decrease significantly in the long run.


You might like to get a meditation pillow or a yoga mat if you do not have them. Having a special place to do your practices helps to set the energy and maintain regularity.

What if I cannot access some of the ingredients where I live?

Most of the fresh ingredients suggested are commonly found in a fresh produce store or at a farmers market.


Hale Pule provides a framework so that if you cannot find one item, you can replace it with something else that has similar qualities. If you’re unsure of the best thing to replace it with, we will advise you.


If you cannot source certain dried goods in your area, you can order them online and we can recommend a website to do that depending on where you live.

How does this program fit to different personal doshas? How do we know what is best for our unique constitution?

The recipes provided are tri-doshic and designed to balance excess in all of the three dosha. During the program you will learn to plan and enjoy meals that work for anyone because all ingredients are enjoyed in moderation.


There is a good deal of information about the doshas in the program to help you understand your tendencies and imbalances. If there is an extreme case, such as type one diabetes, we recommend you have a consultation so we can tailor areas of the program to you.

How does this program fit to different personal doshas? How do we know what is best for our unique constitution?

The recipes provided are tri-doshic and designed to balance excess in all of the three dosha. During the program you will learn to plan and enjoy meals that work for anyone because all ingredients are enjoyed in moderation.


There is a good deal of information about the doshas in the program to help you understand your tendencies and imbalances. If there is an extreme case, such as type one diabetes, we recommend you have a consultation so we can tailor areas of the program to you.

Is it a set eating plan? 

You will have a suggested framework where you can apply the principles of what you have learned about digestion and creating balanced meals.


Within that framework, you can do what works for you using ingredients that are local to you and cooking cuisines that you enjoy eating.



Do I have to get up before sunrise to practice yoga?

There are no rules about when to do your practices. We recommend that people do their practices (yoga asana and meditation) first thing in the morning because there are fewer distractions.


In the morning you have a fresh mind AND you get to enjoy the benefits of the practices all day long. If another time works better for you, that’s great too.

I don’t use ghee. Will this still work for me?

When butter becomes ghee, it goes through a transformation process where the milk solids are removed. People that may have had problems with lactose or dairy, do not have any issues with ghee and thrive using it as ghee supports their digestion.


For those who prefer not to have ghee for personal reasons, you could swap the ghee out for another oil such as olive oil if you are in a cool climate, sesame oil, sunflower oil or coconut oil if you are in a hot tropical climate.  Understand that all of these oils do not have the same supportive properties as ghee and they do challenge digestion somewhat.

Would you recommend your home panchakarma before or after the programme?

Panchakarma at home is a very deep process. Doing Heal Your Relationship with Food prior to panchakarma is an excellent thing to do to prepare the body to receive the most from panchakarma. Then coming out of panchakarma, you apply the principles you’ve learned as you in your daily life. The two endeavours are complementary.

Is everything available immediately?

Heal Your Relationship with Food will begin shortly after this registration promo ends. You'll be sent an email with the next steps to when you purchase.  



Food freedom is the freedom to enjoy, the freedom to choose, 

and the freedom to love yourself and your life. 

Unlock your food freedom today.


Food Freedom, Naturally.



* Ayurvedic Health Consultation


* Intuitive energy healing 


* Weekly group coaching with Myra Lewin 


* 20 hours of educational content


* Private healing community 

   for support & accountability


Value to  do this 1-1 with Myra - $13,812

BONUS#1 - Dine with Myra 

7 complete days of nourishing Ayurvedic recipes - breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so you don't need to wonder what to prepare to feel good.


BONUS#2 - Out and About Guide 

to nourishing yourself and being at ease while eating out and travelling.


BONUS#3 - Refocusing Rituals
system for when distractions come up and old habits creep in. This will support you to resume without guilt, shame, or perfectionism.


BONUS#4 - Kick Caffeine Guide

don't panic ;)

+ MEGA BONUS -  Unlimited Access to Community & Live Coaching 

so you can continue / repeat the program with future groups

limited time PRICELESS offer when you buy today



$383 $ 333 x 6   or

$1997 $ 1697 x 1      
(20% savings) + bonus group energy healing


QUICK ACTION BONUS - 1st 50 people to join 

COMPLEMENTARY 1 month access to  'Everyday Sadhana'

our members-only online Yoga membership - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy